Order and PaymentAt unistylez.com we aim to offer a fast and efficient shopping experience. To order a product you can either 'Add to Basket' from the image list, if the product has additional options you will be redirected to the item. You can also view the product with its full description where you can zoom in on the product where available or read any additional information regarding delivery or customer reviews. You can choose the quantity required (this is defaulted to 1) and click the 'Add to Basket' to add this item to the 'Basket'. Treat your online basket as you would a shopping basket in a your local store, fill it with the items you want to purchase, review them at any time, increase the quantity and remove any you decide not to purchase. Anytime you add a product you will see a summary of your basket or if you wish to view your basket at anytime whilst on the site you can click on the 'View Basket' link in the top right hand corner of the web page. You will also see a number next to the 'View Basket' link, this is the number of different products you have in your basket, not the number of actual items you have. When you have finished shopping and added all the items to your basket that you wish to purchase you can click on 'View Basket' and select 'CHECKOUT' or from the summary window select 'Review & Checkout' and then 'CHECKOUT' to be taken to our Secure Checkout Page which is protected by Thawte 256 bit encryption to ensure the security of your data. Create your account or sign in with your existing details, by creating an account you can create 'Event Reminders' to ensure you do not miss those special days, view previous orders, amend your delivery address and create a 'Wish List' detailing your favorite items. Ensure you complete all fields correctly including your email address to ensure you receive notifications and a contact number should we need to call you regarding your order, this helps to ensure fast delivery. Once all fields have been completed you can continue to the 'Payment Method' The payment screen will allow you to select your preferred payment method; we accept Debit/Credit Cards and PayPal. Our payment system performs many checks against your payment method so please ensure you complete all information accurately. If you are sure that your order is correct and you have entered all your payment details correctly continue to finish and submit your order to us. A final breakdown of products with a total cost including shipping will be displayed and a confirmation email will be sent to you at the email address you specified when placing your order. Ensure you check your SPAM folder if you do not receive an email confirmation, if you are in any doubt of your order please contact customers services to confirm it has been received. unistylez.com is a service offered by Fairlea Online Ltd and will show on your statement as FairleaOnline. |